My musings on technology, science, math, and more

  • Moving a Ruby Gem’s CI to GitHub Actions

    I like to tinker. While tinkering, I’ve created a lot of random tools, and when I think those might be useful to others I try to open-source them. The metatron and bullion ruby gems are good examples of that. An example that hasn’t made it…

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  • Some Thoughts on Elixir

    I’ve been experimenting with Elixir for a few years off and on and have really enjoyed it so far. I can’t use it professionally, so all I’ve been able to do is some Exercism exercises (which I highly recommend) along with some other random projects.…

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  • Rewriting Ruby’s #pack and #unpack Methods in Crystal

    In Ruby, especially while writing low-level protocols, you may have encountered Array#pack() and/or String#unpack(). If you’ve ever experimented with them, they may seem mysterious; they take a cryptic string as a parameter (maybe something like C4 or w*) and seem to return gibberish (or, conversely,…

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  • Quadratic Confusion

    I have a horrible memory. I don’t mean just that I misplace things or forget names; it takes a lot of effort to commit arbitrary facts, figures, dates, etc., to my long-term memory. So throughout my school years, most of my studying was for things…

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