My musings on technology, science, math, and more

  • Rewriting Ruby’s #pack and #unpack Methods in Crystal

    In Ruby, especially while writing low-level protocols, you may have encountered Array#pack() and/or String#unpack(). If you’ve ever experimented with them, they may seem mysterious; they take a cryptic string as a parameter (maybe something like C4 or w*) and seem to return gibberish (or, conversely,…

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  • LDAP in Containers

    Most of the time, connecting to LDAP is pretty straightforward and is just a matter of applying the right configuration to your application. Or maybe it isn’t even something you need to think about; it could be abstracted away behind an API call. This wasn’t…

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  • Working During a Pandemic

    We’re in very strange times, that’s for sure. The entirety of humankind is trying to social engineer a defense against a microscopic threat, yet here I am wanting to talk about working and how well it’s going in spite of the pandemic. When I was…

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  • Changing Your Public IP on Home Internet

    Sometimes, when you’re using a Linux server as your home router/Internet gateway, you need to change your public IP. I won’t go into the reason(s) why, because they don’t really matter. Maybe you accidentally exposed the proxy port (mostly just for your kids to protect…

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  • Redis, Ruby, and Some Surprising Uses

    Any developer worth their salt knows that Redis is great for caching. As an in-memory cache, it gets the job done. You certainly don’t have to take my word for it; the major sponsors of Redis (redislabs) wrote a white paper to explain it. What…

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  • Skull Island: A CLI and SDK for Kong

    I’ve been working on an open-source project for managing the Kong API Gateway, both as an SDK and as a CLI tool using a straightforward, YAML-based templated configuration. The project is called Skull Island and is available on RubyGems via skull_island, on DockerHub via jgnagy/skull_island,…

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  • Redirecting Domains on a Traefik Ingress

    I recently posted about my experience with k3s and how I’m now using it to run my blog. I also mentioned my blog’s new domain and how I’m keeping the old name working. That involved changing the Ingress resource for my blog, so I’ll show…

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  • Updating GoDaddy DNS Entries with Ruby

    I bought a new (arguably better) domain for my blog now! If you’re reading this, you’ve probably noticed, but it is, because I’m a fan of Ruby. The old name won’t be going anywhere, at least for the time being. Given the purchase of…

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  • Blogging on Kubernetes

    It has been a while since I last posted, but between college, work, and kids, I’ve been pretty busy. That said, I recently attended KubeCon 2019 and saw a lot of interesting presentations. As a fan of Rancher, I gravitated toward a lot of their…

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  • Read-only Docker Containers

    There are lots of good reasons for and articles recommending running Docker containers read-only, but what I have a difficult time finding are descriptions of how to do this for many popular images. Some software needs to write to a few important and predictable locations.…

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